• Libby Brewer-Dulac


  • Maggie Frith




Where it all began.

We started Mess Hall because we wanted to bring people together around food. We wanted to meet kindred food spirits, to hear all the food stories, to explore new recipes and techniques, to get creative with flavours, to lovingly prepare and enjoy meals with neighbours and friends.

In early 2020 we welcomed you and some of your kids into our space to get creative with food, make treats together, paint a few cakes, and learn how to brew our own kombucha. But things have changed since we opened our doors, in our lives and in yours.

So we’re not getting together in the kitchen, but we’re doing a lot more home cooking. Our culinary experiments have taken us places this year from the first pandemic banana breads to the sourdoughs and tortilla hacks and now we’re back to banana bread again.

Along this journey, we’ve met some incredible makers who have started new food businesses, or changed up what they already knew. We’re thrilled to introduce to you a whole new group of friends who are making and selling their food magic in our shared co-working kitchen. We’re bringing you virtual culinary experiences, delicious hand-made treats available curbside and more Date Nights at home, to help you celebrate while staying safe.

Thanks for tagging along. When you support us, not only are you helping us stay in business, but you are helping provide space and encouragement for other small food businesses to evolve and grow. We appreciate you!

— Gaby and Libby, Founders

Gaby Flores.

A self-taught vegan, gluten free chef and a Culinary Nutrition Expert, food is my passion.⁣

“Food is the way I share joy. You hang out with me, you eat!”⁣

When I switched to a plant-based diet, it opened my eyes to the taste, flavour, and texture of food in its most natural state. I discovered a variety of ingredients I didn't know existed, and I began experimenting to create beautiful, delicious, and nourishing meals. I dream of a world where harvesting, cooking and savouring is our default. Our instant culture has corrupted our palates, we’ve forgotten how food really tastes.⁣

I’ve made it my mission to help others bring their bodies from deprivation to abundance. Food can heal. It has the power to enhance us in mind, body and soul.⁣

My purpose is to use food to build community. Food is love when prepared with good intention and great ingredients.⁣

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Libby Brewer-Dulac.

I’m a Toronto based, East Coast born multidisciplinary artist and self-taught baker. A tinkerer since childhood, I enjoy making things using metal, wood, glass, plastics, paper, paint, and digital arts. Because of the very nature of cake and its ability to spread joy, my current medium of choice is buttercream.

“Everyday design, art and architecture bring inspiration, and I'm lucky if they come together in cake form on my turntable.”

I’m the founder of Sift Baking Co. where, for a time, I created artful birthday cakes for grownups.⁣

Paint your Cake in this virtual workshop with Libby and MOCA Toronto